About us

With love for your car

MG Exclusive Detailing was founded in 2006 in The Netherlands, in order to ensure that car enthusiasts around the world can maintain their exclusive cars in an ideal state of perfection.

Our detailer Max began maintaining, restoring and detailing exclusive cars from a young age, through passion, attention to detail and an urge for perfection. After more than 30 years of experience we have decided to specialise in the aesthetic part of cars. And so, MG Exclusive Detailing was born.

With our Excellence Studio in Loosdrecht, we are established in the heart of the Netherlands. 

The years long experience with detailing cars, leather repairs and renovations, coatings and expertise are properly maintained.

Max makes yearly visits to car manufacturers to keep his knowledge of car paint developments up to date. Over the years the composition of car paint has seen many changes. Every car paint reacts differently and must also be treated and protected differently.

Car detailing is not a specialisation that can only be learned once. It is a continuous learning process that goes hand in hand with market developments and extensive hands-on experience.

We are specialised in the treatment of exclusive cars of brands such as Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche, McLaren, Rolls Royce, Mercedes and Audi.

From old-timers to modern models. Of course you are welcome no matter what vehicle brand you drive.

Do you want the best treatment for your car? Then you have knocked on the right door. Feel free to contact us.